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Christmas Bird Counts: Summary of 2022 Findings

Calmes Neck Christmas Bird Count

We had a total of 85 species on count day and one species for a count week bird (Lesser Scaup). I reported one rare bird, the Palm Warbler (with a photo and rare bird report) even though it had been observed and reported in years past, as well as the Ring-necked pheasant, not reported as rare, but rarely seen. Both were accepted. Overall, I would say it was a pretty average day for numbers of species, however on the somewhat low side for most numbers of individuals. All of the woodpeckers were observed, plus several of the owls and raptors. We had a high count on Red-breasted merganser (24) and Trumpeter Swan (6). There were 59 observers in the field and 5 feeder watchers, a great turn out. It was a mild day, but overcast with light rain in the afternoon. The data for the Calmes Neck (VACN) CBC is available on the National Audubon website here:

Enjoy reviewing the count summary online.

–Margaret Wester, compiler for VACN, CBC

Northern Shenandoah Valley Christmas Bird Count

Thank you to everyone for their participation and dedication in another successful Christmas Bird Count. This is the 48th year! With the count now tallied I thought I would share the highlights with you. The weather was fair for birding without rain and temperatures between 34 and 46F, with all bodies of water open.

We did have some notable birds on the day of the count and I want

to give a shout out to James Fox for his sighting of the Common

Yellowthroat at White’s Lake and Gabriel Rickets for his sighting of a

Palm Warbler in area 6. Two very rare birds that I’m glad were included

for count day. For the count week Dave Boltz reported the Orange Crowned Warbler and a Red-Breasted Merganser on Lake Frederick.

Cliff Hup sighted a Lesser Scaup and Kristen Zimet had a Rough

Legged Hawk bringing the total of count week birds to 5.

Our overall total for the count day was 84 species, perhaps not the

lowest ever count but certainly a low year. Numbers of individuals were also low with only 1,219 Canada Geese and 6,503 European Starlings really standing out. A couple of other notable birds that are often missed would include Wood Duck from area 11, Wilson’s Snipe from area 5

and a Fox Sparrow from area 17.

Again, I want to thank everyone for their participation and deter-

mination to make the Northern Shenandoah Valley count a successful one. Best wishes and good birding for the upcoming year.

–Greg Justice, Compiler for Northern Shenandoah Valley Christmas Bird Count

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